
Joel Lynn, manager of residence services at Mount Royal College, said nothing surprises him any more in the lengths parents will go to monitor their child's education, particularly of those living on campus. "We've had fathers slip their business cards to residence staff and say, 'if you need me for anything, give me a call,' parents who want to be part of the discipline process and parents demanding to know their kid's grades," he said. "The most bizarre was the Vancouver mother who moved into her daughter's room." In that case the mother, worried her daughter couldn't combat a cold alone, stayed a week. Staff forced the parent to leave when she began meddling in the daughter's roommates' affairs, telling the other three students when to go to bed, do their homework and to stop watching television. http://www.canada.com/calgary/calgaryherald/news/story.html?id=62467bde-e0ba-4dfd-93c9-9ea039844165

source: "Colleges forced to deal with overprotective parents" Calgary Herald - 4/4/2004, by Deborah Tetley tags: Parents, College
