
Four kinds of trouble in life "You should expect four kinds of problems in life: Trials are designed by God to draw us closer to him and build our character. Temptations are designed by the Devil to draw us away from God and destroy our character. Trespasses are hurts caused by the sins of others. Troubles are usually, but not always, the consequences our own sinful choices. Proverbs gives us a long list of sins that get us into trouble, such as impatience, dishonesty, selfishness, a hot temper, and even talking too much. It also tells us that wisdom will keep us out of trouble. Anytime we ignore God’s principles, we eventually suffer the consequences. We always reap what we sow. God has given us the freedom to make choices, but we are not free to choose the consequences of those choices. David prayed, "I am surrounded by many troubles ... My sins have caught up with me." People often confuse these four types of problems, blaming God for the natural consequences of their poor choices or blaming the Devil for circumstances that were actually planned by God. God never tempts us to sin, but he tests our character and faith continually. When you face a problem, try to determine the source first. Jonah encountered a storm because he disobeyed God. Paul encountered a storm because others disobeyed God. But the disciples got into a storm because they obeyed God! The storms in your life can be a trial, a temptation, a trespass, or a troubling consequence, and each one requires a different respons."

source: Rick Warren tags: Sin
