Glen's Quotes Db (3169 total)

These are quotes which stood out to me, possibly for use in a sermon someday. Their presence here does not mean I agree with them, it merely shows that I might want to reference them later. The default view is five random selections. Use the tag list on the right to view all quotes relevant to that theme.

A penny saved may be a penny earned, but it's a waste of a deposit slip and it really pisses off the bank tellers.

Tim Wilkins was once involved in a homosexual lifestyle. Today he is a Christian and has a ministry to persons struggling with homosexuality. In his most recent newsletter, he writes: "Society in general and churches in particular mistakenly believe freedom from homosexuality is marrying, having 2.3 children and a dog in the back yard. A 2001 secular study on the possibility of change shows the depth of this ingrained 'doctrine'. Dr. Robert Spitzer, a Columbia University professor interviewed men and women who said they used to be homosexual; I was one of many he questioned. As beneficial as his study was and as much as I appreciate the visibility it gave to change, his study measured heterosexual function of the former homosexual — again missing the real issue. "But" you ask, "don't homosexuals need to become heterosexuals?" No! Scripture never states nor implies all people must be heterosexual; it does say explicitly, however, that we are to avoid all forms of sexual immorality, which includes homosexuality. With that in mind have we not at times given the impression that homosexuals must "convert" to heterosexuality? Jesus did not say "Go and make [heterosexuals]"; He said, "go and make disciples." "But" you ask, "isn't heterosexuality the opposite of homosexuality?" No! The opposite of homosexuality is holiness! The term "former homosexual" is inadequate if not inappropriate. We mistakenly think a person who has found freedom from same-sex attractions is now heterosexual. The former homosexual man or woman may now experience heterosexual feelings, but heterosexuality should never be his or the churches' goal. Heterosexuality is in many cases, but not all, a byproduct of the homosexual's dealing with the primary issues — a distorted self-image and faulty thinking — both of which Satan uses to "gain control." The church will do well to remember that singleness is not a sin, immorality is. What all this means is that most of churches' advice to the homosexual misses the mark entirely! . . . During my own journey out of homosexuality I made a significant discovery — Jesus Christ is not a means to an end. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. I did not go to Christ to get something else, namely heterosexuality. I went to Christ to get Him! When we learn this truth, we will witness prison doors falling off their hinges and chains disintegrating." (You can visit Tim's website at

One sophomore argued that Stanford is not a factor in his decision to use drugs. “It is the fact that I am away from my parents,” he said. “Not being at home has allowed me to do drugs all the time. Thank you, college.” "Hard Drugs are Rare on Campus", Sarah Lustbader, Wednesday, June 4, 2003

It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is to be praised. The mosquito is swatted. By: Marie O'Connor

God is infinite while we are finite. We can never fully comprehend the infinite, but we do have within us a spiritual sense that allows us to recognize and enjoy God's presence. The ocean is vast beyond our imagining, and it would never be possible for a person to fathom it or take in all its great treasures. But with the tips of our tongues we can recognize at once that the ocean is salty. We have not understood even a fraction of all there is to know about about the ocean, but with our sense of taste we can experience its essence. In the end, how can we expect to have full knowledge of the creator, when even our knowledge of created things is limited? We know a little about the physical characteristics of the created world, but we know next to nothing about the unseen spiritual world. Indeed, we know next to nothing about our own spiritual lives. If we had complete knowledge of our own spiritual nature, then perhaps we would be capable of knowing the nature of God, for we were created in his image.
